Thursday, November 15, 2007

the creep

looking at old photos today and found this one, taken last summer when italy won the world cup. i was in pompeii working at the time, and for a small town that place when totally apeshit. it was awesome. the picture above really si pretty indicative of the general vibe, which is to say it's like the gates of hell themselves opened up, but, like, FUN hell, not bad hell. there was a town-sanctioned rave complete with giant speakers blasting some techno remix of 'we are the champions'; there were fires and motorcycles and feral dogs everywhere. one of my coworkers, in a drunken celebratory frenzy, hopped on the back of a fruit truck that had been re-assigned to the role of PARTY TRUCK and had to find his way back to pomeii from some other town. there was a guy giving away free hotdogs; there was a girl passing around a bottle of sardinian fire water, which kind of made me want to die but, you know, WHEN IN ROME. or something. anyway, there were actually two kinda of bad-hell things that happened that night, but neither had permanent repercussions. the first, shockingly, involved fireworks. anyone who's been to southern italy knows of the local penchant for explosives; this night was like a motherfucking showcase. upon leaving the bar where we watched the game that night, my pal aims and i walked right into an in-session firework party, which consisted of a senile man lighting shit and throwing them backwards over his shoulder. i took one to the back, whicvh was more starling than anything, although it did toast my shirt a bit. whatever. aims, however, took one to the FACE, and it could habe been gnarly but it totally wasn't! after she recovered we all made sure she got an extra hit of that sardinian firewater and then we partook in aforementioned rave, where i then got pinned down by a group of four 16-year-old italian lads, two of whom licked my face. normally, i'd be all about this sort of young-man-ness, but these kids were pretty rough. anyway, i wriggled out of their slimy hands, and when i got home i found that one of them had unzipped my pants! i mean, i was pretty wasted, so i guess the possibility remains that i just forgot to zip after pissing in an alley, but i gotta save face, ya know?

anyway: being in winning world cup country when world cup is won: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. yep.