Saturday, June 2, 2007

vitamin water is for douchebags.

i'm currently pounding a giant jog of 'power-c'-flavored vitamin water and i took a moment to read the quirky text on the side of the label. it's sort of like the advertising, printed media equivalent of, say, people who constantly -- and often awkwardly, to me - proclaim their own awesomeness 'just because they're awesome.' there's a song for people like that ('this is why i'm hot', which, aside from that association, is pop genius), and that makes sense, but a soft drink, too? jesus. anyway, the write-up on the label contains a michael jackson refernce for some reason, and it's not really thoughful or creative so much as off-putting. sometimes i see something on the news, something horrible or violent or tragic, that makes me think 'what the fuck kinda world do we live in?' this has a similar effect, for some reason.

1 comment:

davidjamescole said...

dude. about a month ago or so i was at the gym and that song "this is why i'm hot" came on. it was the first time i'd heard it and was amazed at how self-evident it was. it reminded me of this jamaican DJ/reggae singer named LA Lewis who is also pure genius. He became famous just because he went around promoting himself as being awesome and acting like he was famous and thereby became so. sorry for the tangent, but its kind of funny how that can work out for some people. probably not so much for those proclaiming their "awesomeness" to you.